Summary: In the second section of The Secret Life of Bees, the critical details start to be elaborated. Realizing soon after leaving that there really wasn't a place for a Negro and a little white girl to stay, both Lily and Rosaleen (Lily's African-American house mother) felt hopeless. Lily really didn't have a plan after leaving her father, she just felt the urge to go to Tiburon, South Carolina. The reason why Lily felt the need to go to Tiburon was because she thought that she could find out more about her mother. Lily didn't know whether her mother had actually traveled to Tiburon or not, she just knew that Tiburon was where she should look first. A series of minor events occur while Lily and Rosaleen are trying to find a way to survive. These events lead Lily and Rosaleen to an elaborate house that is owned by 3 African American sisters. The sisters take Rosaleen and Lily in their arms, without knowing too much about where they came from and their back story.
Quote: "August pulled her chair close to the statue of black Mary and sat facing us." (Kidd 107 ).
Reaction: The only way that Lily and Rosaleen found the 3 sisters was because one of Lily's mother's old pictures. In the picture that Lily has been basing her whole journey on, there is a picture of an Africa-American Virgin Mary. The missing piece to the puzzle connecting everything together was the same picture of the African American Virgin Mary on a jar of Honey at a store. Lily felt that these two pictures had to have some kind of connection because she didn't see too many African American Virgin Mary's, as opposed to white ones. These 3 sisters may be the key that Lily needs to finding out more about her mother.
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