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Boston, Mass., United States
ROAR, which stands for Renaissance of a reader, is the rebirth of readers at O'Bryant High school.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Blonde Ambition pgs. 184- 233

Summary: To conclude Blonde Ambition, Zoey Dean ends the story with a happy ending. The guy that Anna had come to know while working with Cammie's father, is the guy that Anna falls in love with at the end. It seemed that all the trouble that Cammie went through to try and steal Danny from Anna was not really worth it. Anna ultimately ended up with the guy that she thought that she could never have a future with because she was previously in a relationship. With Cammie, she just had to realize that Anna was now going to be apart of her life. Cammie's father really liked Anna and if Cammie didn't change the ways she treated Anna, her life was going to become miserable.
Quote: "Anything was possible. Anything."(Dean 233).
Reaction: Now that Anna is well liked by Cammie's father and officially apart of his 'Hermosa Beach' team, Cammie has no other choice but to like Anna. Things seem to be looking up for Anna because of the positive attitude that Anna had when encountering any situation. Instead of trying to getting even, tit-for-tat action with Cammie, Anna knew where her mindset was going to take her. By Anna believeing that anything was possible, she proved it. Throughout the novel, i didn't like how Zoey Dean stuck to the classic, cliche,` mean girls plot, but after i read the end, i see that the plot worked out. By Anaa leaving her comfort zone, which is home, to explore life on her own, she encountered some obstacles that made her successful in the end. Also, what i liked at the end was how Anna returned back home to her family; she returned back to her comfort zone.

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